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Historical Performance

Alfred's Profitability

From 9/21/20—12/31/24
An infographic of a chart showing stats from 2020 to 2024.
0 %
Since inception, 91.4% of Alfred’s trades have been profitable.

Maintained elevated execution success rates while testing a variety of risk factors and algorithmic improvements

Alfred maintained strong Sharpe ratios indicating a low risk profile with a high success rate

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Alfred Vs Major Indices

From 9/21/20—12/31/24
An infographic showing Alfred versus major indices from 2021 to 2024

YTD Returns: Alfred Vs. Major Indices

An infographic showing Alfred's performance comparing the original and optimized chart from the year 2020 to 2023.

Alfred has consistently exceeded the performance of major indices year on year

Data Updated Quarterly
An infographic of Alfred's non-compounded and compounded performance for the year 2023 and 2024.


If you’re looking to take your options trading to the next level, Winston is the perfect choice. The latest addition to All American Group’s suite of trading tools, Winston is designed for those who crave a more aggressive trading approach. Winston builds on the success of Alfred, by supplementing with SPY trades, in addition to Alfred’s SPX trades.


An infographic chart showing Winston's performance in 2024 showing non-compounded numbers.

What Does Winston Provide?

Winston offers a range of features designed to maximize your trading potential:
Two bearded traders wearing glasses discussing trading charts on a dual computer monitor.

Aggressive Trading Alerts

Winston’s algorithms are tuned to identify high-risk, high-reward opportunities in the market. The alerts are more frequent and target fast-moving trades, allowing you to capitalize on short-term price movements and market volatility.

Traders pointing and discussing the graph on a computer monitor.

Advanced Analytics and Insights

Winston delivers detailed analysis and insights with every alert. You’ll receive comprehensive data on why each trade was selected, the underlying market conditions, and potential risks. This empowers you to make informed decisions quickly.

Hispanic young male stock trader typing on keyboard while using computer at home. A laptop is on the left side of the wooden desk.

Real-Time Market Monitoring

Winston operates with heightened sensitivity to market changes, scanning for opportunities around the clock. This means you’ll be notified of potential trades in real time, helping you stay ahead of market shifts.

Business partners brainstorm, plan and analyze stock market charts on a tablet. Papers with charts are on top of the wooden desk. The woman on the right is holding a smartphone.

Seamless Integration with Alfred

If you’re already using Alfred, integrating Winston into your trading routine is seamless. You can switch between the two services or use them in tandem, balancing your portfolio with a mix of conservative and aggressive strategies seamless by adding the SPY ticker symbol in addition to SPX.

An infographic showing Alfred's performance comparing the original and optimized chart from the year 2007 to 2023.
Note: Inclusive of days daily SPX contracts were not available.

Annual Success of Calculated Reference Points

From 5/14/07-12/31/23

An exit strategy moderates returns, but significantly decreases risk

Returns Per Year
An infographic of exponential returns on compounding investment or scaling contracts. The green graph shows an increase of investment from 2020 to 2024 with an increase of 50,000 dollars to 300,000 dollars.

Note: 2021 represents an anomalous spike in annual returns, but level of returns consistently increasing.

Live Execution Statistics

An infographic showing Alfred's performance comparing the original and optimized chart from the year 2020 to 2023.

Note: Exit days represent days in which Alfred exited a losing position without taking a total loss.

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